Hybrid propulsion and new launch systems  

Definition of propulsion by rocket : static performance of rockets for launch to space missions ; definition of thrust and drag ; equation of motion of a rocket ; state variables and control ; constraints on the trajectory . Performance of singlestage and multistage rocket . Definition of thrust requirements for performing space missions. Definition and classification of Propellants for hybrid engines. Process Combustion : subsonic combustion . Influence of the initial conditions of the propellant . Calculation of the temperature of combustion in conditions of chemical equilibrium. Sizing and design procedures for (a) Injection system (injectors), (b) nozzle, (c) thrust chamber. New launch systems: (a) gun launch to orbit ( ram accelerator and railgun ), (b) launch from aircraft in subsonic flight, (c) airbreathing SSTO launch vehicles.
Hybrid propulsion and new launch systems

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